Searching for Permit A38: Quick Learnings to Facilitate Effective Management and Collaboration

brown wooden bird ornament during daytime

The quest for Permit A38 in the whimsical world of Asterix and Obelix serves as a metaphor for management challenges in the workplace. The story highlights the importance of clarity, resource allocation, and fostering a culture of ownership and responsibility in teams. It emphasizes that effective leadership involves clear communication, resource support, encouraging ownership, leading by example, and promoting collaboration.

Leadership at 32,000 Feet: Why Putting on Your Own Oxygen Mask First is the Smart Move

Drawing inspiration from the aviation industry’s principle of securing one’s oxygen mask before assisting others during an emergency, we look into how this principle can be applied to leadership. The emphasis is on the importance of self-care in leadership, including mental health awareness, setting an example, making sound decisions, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

WebSummit 2022 Debrief: A Q&A With My Team

The near-yearly pilgrimage to the WebSummit (first in Dublin, now in Lisbon) has come to an end; here’s a little Q&A I did with my team at AAX (thank you, Rebecca Rukeyser, for the journalistic approach!), enjoy!

The Team We Need vs. the Team We Deserve: Closing the Gap Between the Two

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In the quest to assemble the team we need, do we often get the team we deserve instead? They should be one and the same, yet that’s barely ever the case in practice. We want—and need—our employees to be engaged, curious, collaborative, knowledgeable, proactive, daring, and with a mindset of learning and growing. We’ve also been trained to seek out and recruit for these qualities, however accurate a recruiting process can be. And then we expect team members, new and old, to act and live up to the potential we’ve seen in them. Things get tricky when that doesn’t happen, and we’re left wondering what went wrong.

The Ad Tech Pros Group Is Now 22,000-Strong!

It’s 2022 and the “Ad Tech Pros” group on LinkedIn has just welcomed its 22,000th member.Well, we’re 22,022 at the moment I’m writing this—and counting! I couldn’t be happier and more proud of this community’s growth. Created shortly after I … Read More